About NPalliative
We're a Michigan 50 Company to Watch!
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We are a local care provider serving Northern Michigan with a goal of improving patient's quality of life. Our unique approach focuses on discussing medical wishes and treating distressing symptoms, thereby reducing unnecessary hospitalizations.
We are a member of the American Academy of Home Care Medicine and Center to Advance Palliative Care, and have a team of highly trained and experienced practitioners, doctors, nurses and support staff to help provide the best care to our patients.
What NPalliative Specializes In
Nurse Practitioners
Home Labs & Diagnostics
Phone Triage

​ Counseling

Having trouble getting your loved ones to the doctor?
Do you want to avoid ER visits and repeat hospitalizations?
The staff at NPalliative are caring, convenient, licensed professionals and are known for thier unprecedented quality time spent with patients and families! Same-day visits frequently available for enrolled patients.
What is Palliative Care?
We Accept Insurance!
We Are Happy Traveling to you!
Keep your primary care doctor
No referral necessary
Call Us at 231-421-6921
Deductibles & Co-pays Apply

We Offer Valuable 24/7 On-Call Services for our patients!
Our team consists of board-certified MD, podiatric specialists, certified nurse practitioners, licensed social workers, and other well-trained staff members. We specialize in chronic illness management, transitional care, and caring for those suffering from life-limiting diseases. Call us to see how we can help you.

Palliative Care Ensures Value